The company mainly manufactures light pillar digital display transmitter, display transducing annunciator, scan transducing alarm, intelligent regulator, flow integrating controller, Q,D type manipulator, shelf-type, wall hanging-type, clutch-type apparatuses, shiny alarm, three-phase silicon controlled micro processing temperature control cabinet, diffusion silicon pressure/fluid level transmitter which can be used
for measurement, display, regulating, integrating of such parameters as temperature, pressure, flow, fluid level and the like in the industries such as rendering, chemical industry, building materials, light industry, metallurgy, textile and the like. 仪表GXGS2119K是由上海广兴仪表有限公司专业生产。江西原装GXGS801要多少钱
架装式/墙挂式/卡式仪表 GXGS2102、GXGS2102K、GXGS2102(K) 、GXGS2103、GXGS2103K、GXGS2103(K) 、GXGS2113、GXGS2113K 、GXGS2113(K) 、GXGS2123、GXGS2123K 、GXGS2104、 黑龙江质量GXGS801仪表GXGS8808是由上海广兴仪表有限公司专业生产。
The Research institutes for instrument, apparatus under the jurisdiction of the company develop, manufacture numerous new-type intelligent apparatuses and accept designs and manufacture for special products on users Commission.
Our products are widely used in oil refining, chemical industry, building materials, light industry, metallurgy, textile and other industries, and exported to Europe, America, Asia and other parts of the world and has been widely praised.
现场按装式数显防爆箱GXGS7821FB、GXGS7822FB、GXGS7823FB、 GXGS7101 FB、GXGS7102 FB、GXGS7103&nbs江西原装GXGS801要多少钱
上海广兴仪表有限公司创立于2000-04-21,是一家生产型公司。公司自成立以来,以质量为发展,让匠心弥散在每个细节,公司旗下[ "数显仪", "记录仪", "隔离器", "变送器" ]深受客户的喜爱。公司注重以质量为中心,以服务为理念,秉持诚信为本的理念,打造仪器仪表质量品牌。公司凭借深厚技术支持,年营业额度达到1000-2000万元,并与多家行业知名公司建立了紧密的合作关系。