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  • LECO
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Procedure – Powder/Chip Samples

Prepare the instrument as outlined in the operator's instruction manual.

Determine the instrument blank.

Login a minimum of three Blank reps.

Press the Analyze button on the instrument screen. After a short delay, the loading head slide-block will open. Insert a *** Nickel Capsule (leave capsule open) into the open port at top of loading head.

Note: samples using automation should be placed in the appropriate autoloader position before starting the analysis sequence. Once the sequence has started, the automatic analysis will start and end automatically.

全自动分析系统(可选) 。山西美国分析仪厂家直销


736 Series: Oxygen/Nitrogen by Inert Gas Fusion

The 736 family of Elemental Analyzers is designed for routine measurement of oxygen and nitrogen content of

inorganic materials, ferrous and nonferrous alloys, andrefractory materials using the inert gas fusion technique.

These instruments feature our Cornerstone brand ® software, a custom interface designed specifically for

touch-screen operation. Developed by combining longterm research with customer feedback, this easy-to-use

software gives you complete access to instrument control, analysis settings, diagnostics, reporting, and more—without sacrificing valuable bench space.

广东分析仪厂家供应可以旁路的OMI-2 气路强化过滤装置增强了检测器的稳定性,使得分析结果更加准确。


Procedure – Powder/Chip Samples

Determine the instrument blank.

Press the Analyze button on the instrument screen, the lower electrode will close and the analysis sequence will start and end automatically.

Repeat steps 2b through 2g a minimum of three times.

Set the blank following the procedure outlined in the operator's instruction manual.

Instrument calibration/drift correction.

Login a minimum of three Standard reps.

Weigh approximately *** grams of a calibration/drift standard into a *** Nickel Capsule; enter the mass and standard identification into appropriate rep fields. If applicable, place the nickel capsule in the appropriate autoloader position.

Note: LECO Reference Materia***o not require preparation. See preparation statement on the reference material certificate. Solid Standards may be used to calibrate when chip or powder standards are not available.

Instrument calibration/drift correction.

a. Login a minimum of 3 Standard replicates.

b. Weigh a ~1.000 gram of a calibration/drift standard, enter the mass and standard identification into appropriate replicate fields.

c. Press the Analyze button on the instrument screen. After a short delay, the loading head slide-block will open.

d. Place the calibration/drift standard into the open port at the top of the loading head.

e. Press the Analyze button on the instrument screen again, the loading head slide-block will close and the lower electrode will open.




仪器启动时显示。没有水流。系统分析电流切断,分析停止。这是水流探测器不正常,水泵不工作,管道堵塞。将仪器的右面板取下,观察水流探测器,用手挤压补水塑料水瓶,发现水流正常,显示正常,证明水流探测器正常,管道畅通。启动循环水泵,但分析仪显示没有水流,此时可判定水泵不正常。打开水泵转子密封口,启动泵发现电机正常运转,此时关闭进水,拆下水泵,发现叶轮脱落。经了解,判定是由于外部冷却水停水,仪器内循环水温过高(水温应≤70℃),致使叶轮(叶轮材料PVC)热胀并脱轴。用粘合剂粘合叶轮后再粘于叶轮轴上,待粘合剂凝固后试车,仪器运行正常。 Cornerstone氢氧氮分析软件同时支持***的书记文档格式和可变的报告格式。山东专业元素分析仪哪家好



变频功率分析仪是用于各类变频调速系统的电压、电流、功率、谐波等电量测试、计量的新型测量设备,是变频技术高速发展的必然产物,也是 变频技术持续健康发展的重要基础仪器,更是变频设备能效评测不可或缺的工具。
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